Welcome to
Kerage Breakthroughs

Breakthroughs are short journeys driven by your needs. Find coaching for any issue you have today on your leadership journey.

How it works

Best way to play the game.


1. Select the breakthrough you want to take

You will find all breakthroughs under the breakthrough tab.


3. Enter your login information

Your login info was sent to you via email.


2. Click the "Login to Enroll" button

This button is located near the top right.


4. Watch the intro video & get started.

The system will prompt you through each lesson.

Suggested Breakthrough Flow

How to get the best out of breakthroughs

We suggest you starting with the Breakdown Recover Course as it sets the foundation of how to work through business challenges. You can then move through the Styles Courses from 1 – 4. These courses will give you a better understanding of the different biological styles people have and how to work towards understanding and working with everyone in the best way to master the game of business.

About US

How we work.

​Our approach is to find, document, implement, and track the changes that deliver big positive results, quickly.

Even your best ideas mean very little without implementation; and a plan for implementation that isn’t focused on your best idea will lead to wasted resources. Makes sense, right?

In business, ideas (i.e. strategies) are often things we talk about once a year, or write 5 year plans about, and then file away in a drawer never to be visited again.

And implementation (i.e. operations)? Well, that’s just a bunch of day-to-day tactics that we complete on auto-pilot because the work showed up on our desk and that must mean it needs to be done.

This is what leads us to feel busy in our “hamster wheel” of a workday, and often times compromises the desired results of our businesses.

Through years of experience and work with a variety of tools, we have developed a dynamic approach to match needs and drive value quickly in business.​


Frequently Asked

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